Cyber Asset Management for IT Security Teams are pushing for a rework
The corporate sector is pushing to change its IT security teams infrastructure as it has been under the impression of having some flaws. It is crucial to understand that cloud, API, and digital transformation initiatives go hand to hand, and depending on a smaller team should get another thought.
With the pandemic, our generation spectated a revolutionary change in the digital infrastructure and cybersecurity issues are increasingly exposing data to unwanted parties. As more data builds up, the breaking point poses a significant threat. An average modern IT security team handles about 166,000 cyber assets, including networks, data, cloud workloads, applications, etc.
Today, the enterprise tech ecosystem follows API-first and cloud-first workflow. One by one, each functionality can build up to be a costly one. Cybersecurity essentials are not cheap. IT organisations invest the most money in cybersecurity, followed by hardware upgrades. The hardware section can stay as it is for quite some time, but the cybersecurity space is rapidly evolving, and we are faced with many types of threats from all directions.
On the other hand, the IT space remains overwhelmingly understaffed, and the number of cybersecurity professionals never seems to meet the quota. The skill gap is pretty responsible across the vast space of cloud, security, management, and other unprecedented numbers of assets.
According to the 2022 State of Cyber Assets Report (SCAR) by JupiterOne, these IT teams manage over 8,345 policies, and 99 per cent of them are policy-as-code. Thirty-two thousand one hundred ninety device assets have over 28,872 cloud hosts. These stats are taken from the 166,000 cyber assets we mentioned earlier managed by an average IT security team.
At Tech News Hub, we talked about automation in workflow and cybersecurity to tackle the most common threats. On average, each individual in IT handles about 500 cyber assets. The number may not indicate every type of reader out there. The 500 cyber assets may include hosts, device-related assets, data assets, device management and many more as far as the workforce-related task goes. Researchers said the IT staffs mostly are still under-skilled, understaffed and overworked. A backlog of an average of 120,000 security findings remains on their to-do list.
At an average organisation, the devices to employee ratio are 110:1. It is far too many individuals or organisations to handle, and workforce improvement is begging for it. The cyber asset management team for Its security teams are pledging for rework due to a similar matter. SMBs, SMEs, organisations and every type of business today have already come to the digital platform or planned.
In accordance, our IT staff count is not growing. Many tasks can be handled remotely in this matter, but companies prefer to have employees on-site and work together. Due to localisation issues, these staffs remain underpaid, and their skills are not adequately utilised. These issues need furthermost care to strengthen cyber asset management for IT secured teams.
Security teams have a policy to indirectly engage with users, networks, data, and devices. It helps mitigate security threats to a certain extent. Sensitive information and critical data have interconnected relationships that can be counted up to 105 million at first-degree.
Cybersecurity is not a distraction but a crucial part of the IT system. With a strong management portfolio, we can easily tackle rising threats. Taking in proactive response and visibility in action, IT management teams make decisions on business priorities. Asset management helps in processing potential vulnerabilities, which in the long run removes the poor style of cybersecurity management.
The rapid digital transformation brought out newer entry points for cyber-attacks. Nevertheless, the modern supply chain remains vulnerable to software supply chain, hardware supply chain and other vulnerabilities. A pledge to counter these vulnerabilities together might bring down the number of casualties.