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  • Matthew Spencer - Tech Journalist

Google DeepMind and AWS are backing up Eastern Europe's AI talent

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is glued to many critical infrastructures, removing human hassle and attention to where it matters. Big techs are on a level of their own for implanting AI power for the greater good.

In recent news, we found Alphabet Inc's Google, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and DeepMind backing up Eastern Europe's one of the newest AI research institutes.

No single day passes without our use of some sort of AI, and sometimes, the innovators think if they are stuck with this success. If the answer is yes, then innovations will sloth, next-generation techs will come later than usual, and we may suffer through a static time for the being. But gladly, it's not the case. Wherever we see tech, there is some sort of AI powering it one way or another. And as the big techs have taken the sworn duty of bringing the world innovation, they are genuinely doing their part.

As the tech world evolves, the Eastern Europe side shows slow growth in AI technologies. Even though it is a broad market, the growth delay is not keeping up with expected revenue. To tackle the issue, a new Eastern Europe based AWS, Google and DeepMind are funding a research institute. Talented scientists and engineers are exiting the region due to little support. In contrast, on the contrary, the West blesses them at an exciting level.

Institute for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Technology (ISNAIT) is located in Sofia's Bulgarian capital. ISNAIT is partnered with Switzerland's ETH Zurich and EPFL. They are two of the best technical universities in the world. At the moment, the wave of improvement is flooding the door, and ample tech support is quite notable. The technical centre is supervised by top academics from some of the most elite US and European universities.

Turing Award Winer Prof. Shafi Goldwasser said, "INSAIT is a pioneering initiative that can establish Eastern Europe as a world-class destination for computer science and artificial intelligence research." Even though many parts of the world saw significant growth in technology, this side had a slower one but did not refuse attention.

Core research areas include machine learning (ML), computer vision, quantum computation, computer graphics, cyber security, automated reasoning, robotics, computational biology, system, network, neural language processing, programming languages, and artificial intelligence (AI).

As a core part of the European Union (EU), Bulgaria is strategically located between the West and the East. While the West has advanced and is responsible for massive growth in modern tech, the East is lacking.

INSAIT is backed by government enrollment for ten years with a $100 million budget. A long-term goal is to bridge the scientific gap between the East and the West. If the plan is successful, the zone might be a hotspot for tech innovation in the long run.

Over the next five years, the research institute and training centre will receive $3.75 million from AWS. Google also promised to deliver $3 million within the next three years and cloud computing resources. The move is a pretty bold and respected one. It is truly fascinating to see big techs coming together and improving a site that has seen the shadow of development in the sector.

Google is developing its native chip called a Tensor. The Tensor Processing Unit Research Cloud will work closely with the institute. DeedMind, another subsidiary of Alphabet, will provide $285,000 to fund a PhD scholarship for women. Web hosting company SiteGround will add another $6.5 million, while Bulgaria will donate another $600,000 to the cause.

We've seen top universities with world-class research centres specialising in various fields. But this one will be one of the genuinely fascinating ones as only pure computing subjects impact the modern world, and the future is given priority.

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