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Matthew Spencer - Tech Journalist

Hired by Machines: The future is Automation

Are machines more intelligent than humans? In some cases, yes. At the moment, machines are scripted to take in human considerations and make choices accordingly. Though machine checking resumes are not on par in most places, some companies depend solely on it.

Bulging through applicant pools was popular in the 1960s, but job testing can now be dependent on machines. Research conducted by Harvard Business School Assistant Professor Danielle Lia and colleagues suggested that machines can make smarter decisions in terms of hiring. So, plus one for the machine!

Of course, we saw stats on veteran drivers giving the machine the point for going through traffic or parking perfectly in self-driving cars. Modern world calculations, transactions are done by algorithms and scripts before it took a lot of time for processing.

Computer-administrated tests find more suitable applicants for your organisations as they have no attachment at a personal level. There are tons of open-source projects out there to serve directly to your need, or HR’s can make personalised applications filter through scripts. But the question remains, ‘what should you be doing with the information?'

HR incorporating AI, digital twins, psychometrics are way ahead of our times. Job seekers and business collaboration through a strict filter are not uncommon. According to Personio, 38 per cent of employees want to shift their workplace as digitalisaation comes through.

We liked it when CNBC said, ‘If you are still writing your resume for the humans, you’re doing it wrong.’ It makes a lot of sense. Large organisations with ordinary filters to pass through resume or CV has intelligent bot attached, and they are scripted to filter out unwanted qualifications.

Do not get us wrong, and we are not demotivating you with qualifications. But sometimes we use the same CV kept in the mail to forward to many companies. Most of the time, without bothering to change the title or how can the applicant improve their expertise with the post. They automatically get filtered through HR, and machines make the process faster.

Due to the transformation roadmap and skills shortage, enterprises target newer technologies to fill the void. It is the same for requirements. Artificial intelligence (AI) is better suited for the job as the tools can be precise. Machine learning (ML) filtering through millions of information, CV, resumes can now do psychometric testing. Passing means an accessible entrance to the company, or it immediately gets sent to the trash.

Machines can now take in human input for their phycological state by taking the score from simple brain games, qualifications from the input field, further information from pre-defined criteria. It is now tough to say there was a biased hiring decision as the machine filters it by default.

Additional tips can be acquiring new skills that the algorithm values, taking the tests multiple times if the process is unsure. Nevertheless, if you’re unqualified for a job, the machine will make sure the resume doesn’t get past the first step.

No Use of Rage

As the machine is unbiased of your qualifications or where you come from, there is no place for raging against it. Of course, you may miss out on the human side connection, but on the side of filtering, official interviews are waving if you can get past it.

Human resources (HR) are becoming dependent on the machine-based hiring process for large scale businesses. A typical company with over 1,000 employees has to go through a tremendous filtering process for hire. There are applications beyond count, and machines make the filtering process much more efficient.

Though there is a sensitive area where machines may not be the perfect tool to cope with HR decisions, those places are handled by real humans. What we can do is a predictive analysis of the future. You are also looking for opportunities to work from home, so is HR.

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