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Led by the E.U. and U.S., 20 other countries joined for Global Methane Pledge

Chris Bratton - Tech Journalist

Within the past few years, global climate researchers and scientists came up with devastating statics that within a few years, global warming will reach 1.5°C higher within 2030 and 2050 if the current rate of emissions continues. E.U. and U.S. are leading a program to remove methane emission by 30% within 2030. It's creating a global partnership with the same goals to save the planet, giving momentum to the U.N. climate summit in Glasgow this month.

Methene is one of the deadliest greenhouse gasses impacting global climate after CO2. Limiting global emission will hamper the progression of rising temperature, resulting in arctic ice melting completely. If that comes true, we will lose many low lands, and the ecosystem will take a major hit. Natural disasters are dangerous and cause a harsh impact on us, but human-created problems happened on a larger scale, and the trail remained for a very long time. If global temperature rises, there will be no way to get it back to normal and many counties may turn into a desert, causing hunger, poverty and disease breakouts.

Canada, Germany, France and other nations are trying to reduce at least 30% of global methane emissions. They also represent 60% of the global economy for the cause of cutting 0.2 degrees within 2050 from global warming.

A joint US-EU press release published on September 18 declared the Global Methane Pledge at COP 26 (U.N. Climate Change Conference). U.S. President Biden and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen urged other countries with significant economic to come further as soon as possible for the cause. Many countries already welcome the global pledge, and they signed support documents.

U.S. special presidential Envoy for climate John Kerry said, "rapidly reducing methane is the single fastest action we can take to keep a 1.5°C future within reach." Later explained about the funding received that helped and secured the landmark Kigali Amendment on HFCs. The government involvement in the matter gives support to the Global Methane Pledge.

The move is supposed to create an international momentum, turning more countries into carbon and methane emission program as soon as possible. E.U., U.S., Italy, Mexico, and seven countries will attend global talks in Glasgow, Scotland on October 11.

Director of Super Pollutants Program, Clean Air Task Force Sarah Smith, declared an "undeniable display of momentum to take meaningful, urgent action to combat the climate crisis." The methane squarely is put on COP26 agenda, according to a Bloomberg report.

Here's the complete list of new supporters: Canada, Central African Republic, Congo-Brazzaville, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Federated States of Micronesia, France, Guatemala, Germany, Guinea, Japan, Israel, Jordan, Kyrgyz Republic, Liberia, Malta, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sweden, Philippines, Rwanda, and Togo.

Since the pre-industrial era, methane has been recognized as a culprit for half of the 1.0°C rise of global average temperature. It is a potent greenhouse gas. Countries started flocking together in 2020 for mission 2030's carbon emission removal by at least 30 per cent, which is huge.

The U.S. and E.U. will try to get more countries to join the cause to boost the movement of saving planet earth from methane pollution. We all are aware of carbon emission, which is also quite dangerous. But methane (CO4) being nearly three times thicker than CO2 causes more harm in a more petite time frame. It moved countries' political and environmental leaders to start doing something serious rather than peaceful protest on the media.

Primarily high emission sources are on the focus, by solving issues at those places will reduce warming by at least 0.2°C by 2050. Rest will require a collective global goal for domestic and international cooperative actions.

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