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Chris Bratton - Tech Journalist

Social media sales are still boosting despite the effects of the pandemic

Social media platforms acted as the primary medium to supply goods to consumers during the pandemic period. According to a survey where 7,000 global customers have participated, hybrid shopping has ruled over the market for six months.

The pandemic made hybrid and online shopping much more popular than before. During lockdown throughout the whole world, people couldn't go out and go shopping. But without purchasing any necessary goods, none of us could live a sound life. That's where online shopping came to the rescue. The contact-less delivery came in handy for thousands of people. The pandemic is almost gone now, the popularity of online and hybrid shopping gained is still there, and it's still growing as many more big companies have gone online.

According to Bazaarvoice, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest make consumer products more appealing to purchase even during this pandemic.

As specified by the same survey mentioned earlier, 69% of the customers stated that social media platforms motivated them to purchase the products more than the physical experience. On the contrary, 54% of the customers have exclaimed that they would like to inspect the items themselves rather than going to any pages, apps, or sites.

If we look into the online marketing statistics in the UK, we will get a better perspective of how social media boosted sales even during the pandemic.

As per Reuters, groceries sales have escalated by 43% within a month in the UK compared to the previous year, in 2019.

According to Collinson Group, online groceries sales escalated up to 51.5% when COVID-19 started spreading its wings in the United Kingdom. Also, UK Bank shared a statistic where 1.2 million personal bank accounts spent 15% more than the last year on groceries.

As specified by a telecommunications company, Shaw communications, websites of Asda, Tesla, and other supermarkets crashed right after Boris Johnson, the United Kingdom Prime Minister, declared a lockdown in the UK.

Social media influencers are partaking in this whole scenario as well. Their ratings, reviews, posts, critics, and stories encourage the world to go online to shop. Consumers and manufacturers can also communicate with their clients and customers without a hitch. Moreover, some people suffer from social anxiety and can't communicate face-to-face. For them, online shopping does a great deal of magic to suppress their fear. For online product selling, the owners no longer need to own a shop to sell their products. They can store the products in their home and supply them when the customers purchase them. This online and hybrid shopping allows many people to start their career that was lost due to the pandemic.

It's not like social media didn't have any credibility in online shopping's popularity growth before the pandemic. People were too busy with their day-to-day life and daily struggles.

They didn't have much time to spend on social media. But during COVID-19, people started working from home. Thus, they got plenty of time to roam around the internet. To pass their leisure time, they started using social media platforms. And they required online services because they couldn't go out due to lockdown. With all of these factors working for social media advertising, the popularity of online business grew day by day steadily.

Overall, social media plays a large role in promoting an online business, and it's not a bad thing. The reviews of the customers help others to know whether a page, app, or site is trying to scam us or not.

Even though social media was pretty consequent in the earlier days, its effects haven't yet faded. And chances are, with time, the effect will continuously grow. Online advertisements, product promotions, direct sales, and the marketplace keep pace with real-world sales.

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