Tech companies like Deloitte, Accenture, PwC champion Gartner’s Oracle Cloud Service Magic Quadrant
Discover the 19 vendors championing Oracle’s Cloud Application services to thousands of businesses worldwide. Gartner’s 2022 Magic Quadrant for Oracle Cloud Application services reports $15.4 Billion generations from 19 companies.

There’s been a spike in demand for Oracle Cloud application services annually. The company recorded an annual cloud revenue of over $11 billion, which continues to grow by double digits yearly.
19 Big tech companies, including Accenture, PwC, Deloitte, and Tata Consultancy, contributed to Oracle’s massive cloud application services sales growth, moving them to a comfortable position on Gartner’s 2022 Magic Quadrant.
While Oracle sales continue to grow, the 19 companies using Oracle’s Cloud Application services have witnessed tremendous growth in their revenues. They generated a whopping $15.4 billion in revenue in 2021, an increase from $12.5 billion the previous year. The increase came from the implementation of almost 270 000 Oracle projects, of which 121,000 projects accounted for projects on Oracle Fusion Cloud applications.
Oracle has attributed this increase to the impact of COVID-19 on businesses and the transition of many businesses to working remotely. “It is obvious that Covid-19 has accelerated the demand for digital businesses,” the news said. “Oracles Cloud Application implementation across the 129 big tech vendors with Oracle will need to double its implementation through 2023. There are currently 47,000 individual accredited certifications across these products.”
Oracle is preparing to witness more revenue growth of their Oracle application services, in which about 75% of the revenue will be accredited to cloud-related services by 2024. Furthermore, 70% of prominent vendors planning their ERP deployment will likely be implemented remotely rather than by on-site teams.
Depending on the potential of vendors to execute their vision, Gartner’s Magic Quadrant ranks vendors into four main groups; Leaders (winning in both vision and execution), Visionaries (average vision but poor execution), Niche Players (both vision and execution have a low drive), and Challengers (eager to execute, but poor vision).
Explore the 19 vendors in Gartner’s 2022 Magic Quadrant report who are championing the world in providing Oracle cloud services to thousands of businesses on the cloud.