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  • Tech News Hub


Tech News Hub is the gateway to find hand-picked tech stories, business, managed service, jobs, cybersecurity, IT, IoT and even in-depth research of many topics. We decided to create a segment of a weekly roundup for readers who want to glimpse our overall highlights before jumping into the details or have a busy schedule.

Our security and compliance highlighted two separate stories regarding Apache OpenOffice vulnerability and Windows network printing vulnerability. Microsoft Office Suite alternative and one of the top-rated office apps from Apache has been found vulnerable, and a fix has been added to the beta version. The OpenOffice has been downloaded and used by millions globally. A buffer overflow by a “. dif” has been modified for data injections and attacks. Users are warned to read the latest patch notes.

Network printing is used hundreds and millions of times every day. But recently, a vulnerability has been discovered in Windows network printing devices which may give interested third parties access to sensitive information. The community is quite furious at how something like this stays hidden for months. It even restricted the basic capabilities of devices. What’s worse is that instead of fixing the issue, Microsoft tightened security around the vulnerability, which makes it harder to find a fix of their own. People are rolling back drivers to use the machines.

Regarding the UK tech sector, which is the third-largest globally, we have seen massive growth in investment against the opposite ofthe vacancy created for expert personnel in the industry. Within half a year, the UK hit $15.85 billion in tech investment which is 17% higher than the previous year. Among large fishes, many newer companies managed to get funding, and with regulatory management, the goal is to get bigger before the end of 2021.

Though companies are hiring in large numbers, vacant space remains for expert professionals. It may be because people achieved more skills in their free time and formed small companies, teams, or businesses of their own. Along with cloud engineering, machine learning, artificial intelligence, neural network sectors are growing. There is not “enough talent” to fill the void. Some companies are getting less support. To help those affected companies against financial challenges, MarketFinance went full-time support mode with a $383 million allowance to give loans to qualified companies.

The Coronavirus Business interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) did a fascinating job previously. MarketFinance wants to achieve a similar result with the mindset to help as many SMB’s as possible within the shortest period.

Our MSP sector covered F5’s acquisition of cloud security and compliance vendor Threat Stack for $68 million. It supposedly boosts the systematic approach to serve more customers. Previously, they each had a different sector within the tech market, but after merging, the work ethic is supposed to change to tackle more challenges in different ways.

Last but not least, the wealthiest person on the planet Jeff Bezos after retiring from Amazon and a short tour from space, become fully dedicated to preserving the earth. The first instalment of $1o for environmental sustainability and a carbon-free world is on the talk. Bezos talked about how space travel changes one’s perspective.

Technology is the aspiring definition of modern society, and we can’t elaborate on one without the other. But taking care of the planet is not getting the proper attention it deserves. Stay tuned for another round of Tech News Hub special edition next week.

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