What is true incognito: Prioritising privacy and secure browsing habits
Generally, we understand incognito as the private mode of our browser. Browsers are the key to browse the internet. Behind every browser application, some numerous scripts or codes help translate the internet in front of us. Browsers are powerful enough to go beyond regular internet use and do much more productive or exciting tasks.

Incognito may seem harmless as it doesn't store cookies once the user leaves or closes the tabs. But the routing happens under ISP's moderation, and if they genuinely want to know what a user is doing on the internet, they can. Nevertheless, it gives optimal protection against websites that are not so secure themselves.
Incognito mode lets the user browse as a guest on different sites without leaving traces. It blocks out permitters and functions of pages that may leak information or collect user data. Tor is a powerful network program that lets a user browse the internet truly anonymously. Routing points are placed throughout the globe. So, if the user docent intentionally leaves traces like filling in with legitimate information or subscribing to a service, they are truly anonymous. VPN plays another significant part in the incognito program. We are discussing incognito as a whole, not just a guest tab on the browser.
Data that can be tracked:
IP address: IP address is a unique identifier of the user device and overall user itself that ISP provides. ISP assigns a user with an IP, and with that, it is accessible for the user to have an identity for browsing. Websites can track IPs and translate data accordingly. If a service is not available in a region, it depends on IP. If the IP doesn't belong to a location of service, it will show an error. VPN's and virtual environments can hide IPS for general use. But specific applications and services blocks if the third party helps are used by which real users can't identify. But it's a rare case.
User account: A user account is self-explanatory. Social media or subscription-based services mostly require a user account. They help to personalise data and, according to the subscription services, are served. Going incognito may let the user miss some benefits, but the overall identity remains hidden.
Cookies: Cookies are small packets of information that are generally text files that contain site preferences. They are used and generated by sites. It tracks browsing history and activities. Removing cookies is an excellent practice for unknown sites.
Online presence: Data can be compromised easily. One backlink on an unsecured website posted in the comment or review box can redirect the user to a phishing site or take in important information. It is essential to browse safe sites, and users truly know their data won't be compromised.
Browsing incognito removes most general terms that can track and save user data for later use. A user may not notice what's wrong, but personal information can later come as a disadvantage or loss. Data and information acts are severe as hacks and spam depend on them.
Remember, data is a user's information on the web. Once it's out there, it will remain there, forever. So, think before throwing private information out there. Only VPN and specific services like the TOR network can hide IP addresses. Incognito hides and removes traces. VPN encrypts data, and that's why while using them, a good one and better to use a premium subscription. So, the user knows data is protected as VPN companies are bound to protect user data. But careful as some subscription is hard to get out of and may take more money than required. Hope this small article will provide some users to browse safely and know what to expect with incognito.