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Welcome to another Tech News Hub weekly roundup session where we highlight the most exciting tech news as briefly as possible, keeping core information on the point.

Honeypot ideology glorified Cloudflare to compete in a global platform, making a safe routing environment and portraying attacks. The platform is currently serving over 25 million HTTP requests each second from over 100 countries.

Recently, a US federal judge ruled out the copyright infringement claim, giving Cloudflare a free-of-charge opportunity that they did not break any laws. Complaint filed by Plaintiffs in 2018 by two of the largest manufacturers and wholesalers of wedding dresses and social occasion wear. The platform authorizes open internet and doesn't host data on its own. Cloudflare discourages future claims on a similar matter as it doesn't benefit anyone.

The world's biggest video sharing platform YouTube received controversial messages about anti-vaccine influencers using the platform to spread misinformation. Large tech companies are always on their toes and getting by with regulatory laws, but at this time, it's for humane cause. The platform removed over 130,000 videos that had misinformation that vaccines may cause autism, infertility, cancer and other fatigues.

Not only Covid-19 vaccines but also illogical solutions towards many diseases came to light. Facebook, Twitter was the first to act on the same matter and started the cleansing process a few months back.

In another story, we covered something different, where former REvil ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) members disclosed sensitive information regarding ransom transactions. If you haven't checked that out, please do so. Dark web forums are crawling with intruders looking for grabbing user information and using it against them. The hacker explained a few exciting logic behind the motive.

Our MSP and business sector covered Amazon Web Services (AWS) CEO Adam Selipsky's tips and remarks on the upcoming cloud opportunities. He prioritised data science, processing and machine learning, saying there is not enough qualified personnel available, making it an excellent opportunity for people still looking for a passion. It's an exciting time for SMB AWS integration to get the best out of tech for leveraging business opportunities.

One of the oldest databases on the web containing classic format webpages, creative content, the Internet Archive is celebrating its 25th anniversary. The platform started in 1996, and since then, it's a place for people to contribute open-source knowledge and store, making it a time capsule on the web. The Wayforward Machine portrayed how the internet is going to look like in 2046. It is pretty interesting for anyone to try and check what may be are subject to change in the future. Free speech and open search may also be regulated for years.

Another interesting piece of news related to computing came to light as Intel's next-gen Ice Lake Processor will be supported by Google Cloud for N2 VMs. N2 VMs are supposed to take computing to the next level making 30% faster CPU than the current generation. It prioritises machine learning, data visualisation, server-side computing and heavy workloads. Today's computing is hungry for power, and in the upcoming days, it's only going to increase. Intel, next-generation Xeons®, is hopefully going to improve worldwide computing performance for enthusiasts too.

Last but not least, we shared the current state of challenges faced by MedTech startups and tips on how to handle the situation. If Covid has taught us one thing, that is global medical infrastructure shakes without tech integration and innovation towards the industry is crucial for making affordable equipment. The story included top CTO remarks and innovative suggestions. The technology and healthcare sector is going hand in hand, which resulted in vaccinations.

Hopefully, our news stories make your reading experience more straightforward, and Tech News Hub is eager to be your reliable source of tech news experience.

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