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  • Tech News Hub


Welcome to another Tech News Hub Weekly News Roundup session where we highlight our news on a single page. This week, there is so much exciting news, starting with Alluxio open-source Orchestration platform raising $50 million in fundraising to update its business. Alluxio brings hybrid-cloud and multi-cloud workflow together throughout different data centres. GCP, Azure, AWS and even Kubernetes open-source container-orchestration can work together, making file transfer across the cloud easy and secure. The open-source platform raised a total of $70 million in fundraising, of which this one is the highest. The forum will open up more support centres around the globe and serve more businesses.

Our second news covered China bringing up old files and reporting tech companies with 43 old deals. Alibaba, Baidu, each was fined $78,000 (500,000 yuan) for lack of responsibility and anti-monopoly practices. The files can be dated back to 2012 where the initial start of this case started. China is not unfamiliar with new regulations, and even during the pandemic, the tech regulations kept afloat.

We highlighted news regarding the EU on tracking ads ban with the recent Data Protection agreement. Tracking ads can be irritation and a root cause of losing personal data. Ethical race, sex, age, location and such personal information is used in tracking-based ads. Though AI is smart enough to track these ads only to specific individuals, privacy remains a concern. Even children are included in the spectator’s seat of tracking unwanted ads. The EU Data Protection committee sees through the action and is eager to develop a solution without wiping tacking ads completely.

The world of data and technology will level up with the adaption of 5G in the telecommunication network. 5G relies on C-band Auction antennas to transmit its network of speedy internet. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) came with the aviation department to look into the matter further before the nationwide deployment of 5G. 5G relies on radio altimeters which are used by aviation aircraft such as commercial planes and helicopters. It helps them communicate flawlessly, even at a higher altitude. The network parameter seems to hurt aviation transmission, which may cause accidents. Big names in communications networks want a rapid solution to the problem that may occur with 5G.

So many security protocols were implemented throughout data centres, but yet another backdoor was found recently. A user reported the ‘linux_avp’ background process, which is a Golang written program. The underlying malware is powerful enough to transmit data to its source. The malware was sourced from China, and forensic teams or initial security software failed to detect it. Sansec found the process and removed it from the database. It was hidden and could reboot alongside the server. It is thought that the user commenting ‘test’ on the malware was trying to prove a message that they can do this kind of thing and easily bypass security.

Tech news is not complete without future tech visions, and this session was dedicated to big companies leaning towards augmented reality platforms. Facebook recently changed its name to Meta, which is a product of Metaverse. Metaverse aims to make 3D rendered virtual objects interactable and much more. Nvidia, AMD and prominent names in the hardware industry are already coping with ML/AI technology with their chip. Game development companies are way ahead of the curve in the development phase. Tencent, Bilibill, Coinbase, Bumble, Roblox, Epic games executives stated positive vibes towards the future of the internet.

Our last but not least story covered the UK and US coming together to fight against cybercrimes. In recent years, the number of targeted attacks increased by a considerable margin. To tackle the issue, National Security Agency (NSA), US Cyber Command, UK Government Communications Headquarters, and the UK Strategic Command representatives sat in a room and discussed combined effort in cyber defence. They will share military intelligence, cyber intelligence, generate insights, improve collective security as a bilateral relationship partner. The 2021 Cyber Management Review took place as an in-person meeting of officials after two years. With this, we conclude our weekly roundup of Tech News Hub.

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