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  • Tech News Hub


Welcome to our weekly news roundup, where we highlight our week's top stories.

We started the week with Microsoft Teams as they will gain an accessibility boost in an upcoming update by changing how its video transcription handles recorded meetings. With this update, you never miss any important information.

It may seem unlikely that anyone could be killed by space debris falling from the sky. Although there have been incidents of injury and property damage, no one has yet died in such an accident. Scientists have estimated the unpredictable risk of causalities from falling rocket parts over the next ten years.

We also discussed the effort to train millions of additional individuals in cloud computing as Amazon Web Services has introduced five new cloud services and training programs. They also revealed the brand-new AWS Supply Chain Competency, highlighting AWS partners who offer expert services and supply chain solutions built on the cloud.

The announcement of a new open-source consortium to share crucial data by several significant cybersecurity organisations on Wednesday was a big Black Hat USA 2022 opening event. They unveiled an open-source project named the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF). The objective is to enhance data sharing of product normalisations to enhance cybersecurity. The OCSF is open to use by and participation from all members of the cybersecurity community.

One of the areas of the IT sector that is still rapidly developing is edge computing and the Internet of Things. We discussed three startups(Cohesion, Versatile, and Cognite) working on cutting-edge computing and Internet of Things technologies that solution providers should be aware of.

Next, we wrote about a new version of the free office software suite LibreOffice has released, bringing with it extended compatibility with Microsoft Office file types which may make you consider abandoning Microsoft 365. Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace are both office suites. However, LibreOffice is free and covers all the same ground.

Our last story discussed The Rise and Fall of a Bitcoin Mining Sensation. Bill Stewart is the CEO of Maine-based bitcoin mining business Dynamics Mining. On June 21, Compass Mining filed a complaint against Dynamics in the Delaware Court of Chancery, alleging that Stewart had been "keeping this valuable equipment captive to gain leverage in negotiating" by refusing to pay the energy bill he was obliged to.

Click here to find our previous Tech News Hub: Weekly News Roundup.

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